
14 dic 2012


You can call the same thing differently but still the same

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28 nov 2012

Merkarte 2012-2013

Merkarte is a supermarket of art organized by the Cabildo of Tenerife in through a choice selection, the exposure going to facilitate and raise public awareness of the new emerging artists the Canary Islands.

This year I was selected! and I have a space in the showroom I´m accompaning with other talented artist.

The exhibition is open from 22/11/2012 to 05/01/2013 in San Cristobal de La Laguna in the Place de la Concepción.

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17 nov 2012

The Organs in La Gomera

This drawing is about the protected natural monument The Organs in La Gomera. The Organs is possibly the best basalt formation that we can find on the island of La Gomera, because in it we see a dramatic cliff that begins at sea level and reaches almost 700 meters. In this sea cliff erosion has formed a kind of long tubes grouped around the cliff giving it the name of the organs.

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12 nov 2012

Roque de Agando

Roque de Agando is a prominent rock formation on the island of La Gomera in the Canary Island It is one of La Gomera's most striking features and is frequently used as a symbol for the island.
 Roque Agando is the most prominent of a group of volcanic plug called simply Los Roques, near the centre of the island.
The summit is not accessible by foot. During the 20th century, some easy rock-climbing routes were established on the peak, but climbing is now banned there, and hiking is restricted to established paths in its vicinity, as it forms part of a protected area.

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9 nov 2012


The Auditorio de Tenerife "Adán Martín", designed by architect Santiago Calatrava Valls. It is located on Constitution Avenue in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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3 nov 2012

Jeju III

Illustration about when the rain is coming in a beautiful landscape in Jeju

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31 oct 2012

Jeju Island II

Illustration about one beautiful beach that we can find in Jeju

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29 oct 2012

Jeju Island

Jeju Island was formed hundreds of millions of years, as a result of volcanic eruptions. 
It has a subtropical climate, warmer than the rest of Korea.
It is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

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27 oct 2012

Korean fishing boats

The lights in the blackness that are drawing the horizon. Although sometimes the sea of darkness invade us always we can bring it with small highlights of happiness.

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25 oct 2012


Os invitamos a la exposición "Ilustración" de 
Del 24 de octubre- 19 de noviembre de 2012 en la Biblioteca infantil del TEA 
(Santa Cruz    de Tenerife). 

22 oct 2012

The memory

When the rest of the past memory is accompanied for the sinuous growth of the present. 

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30 jul 2012

The way

Las luces y el color invaden el cielo, mezclando dos tiempos de forma armónica. Solo necesitamos una pausa en el presente para poder percatarnos de ello. 
Este es un momento concreto de mi alto en el camino.

The lights and color invading the sky, mixing two times in harmony. We just need a break from the present to realize it.
This is a particular time of my stop on the way. 

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28 may 2012


Rincones de Londres London Bridge.
Parts of London London Bridge.
ロンドンブリッジの一部 。

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18 may 2012


Rincones de Londres Millenium bridge y St Paul.
Parts of London Millenium bridge and St Paul Cathedral.
ミレニアムブリッジとセントポール大聖堂をロンドンの一部 。

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7 may 2012


New illustration about London

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3 mar 2012


I decided to make some portraits about especial people in my live.   
This is a portrait of my dear friend Namhyuck. 

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24 feb 2012


This is a portrait of my friend. She have a really good blog about fashion. 
Is a really original creative person with a own style.

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